Thursday 28 June 2012

You've Got to Accept...........

Why live like life is such an emergency?

Everything will wear out and crumble; it's only a matter of when. Every day, we have a moment in which we have the ability to change the unhappy thoughts, therefore, take a moment to look at both your life and the material things you’ve got and appreciate its beauty and all it does for you.

Obviously, no one wants to accept these realities, but there is no way out!

Yes, we are all going to face some challenges, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments—but all of this is transitory; it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.

Even as you work hard to achieve all your goals, enjoy all your time on this earth.
By Lillianne Ohonde

Wednesday 27 June 2012

The many questions.....

Did you know……..
Ø  That the way to develop genuine humility is to practice?
Ø  That the less you care about seeking approval, the more approval you seem to get?
Ø  That it’s a mistake to believe that you're always right?
Ø   That judging others takes a great deal of energy and, without exception, pulls you away from where you want to be?
Ø  That If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind and peaceful things?
Ø  That many people spend their entire lifetimes wishing that other people would acknowledge them?
Ø  That when you argue for your own limitations, very seldom do you disappoint yourself?
Ø  That when your life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday things, something magical begins to happen?
The fact that you can't see the beauty in something doesn't suggest that it's not there. And with all this in mind,, a feeling of peace emerges!!!

By Lillianne Ohonde

Thursday 21 June 2012

Do it the right way!

When you commit to working towards being successful without straining much, you will find that you have far more energy to be kinder and gentler.You will also learn to accept what life has to offer with far less resistance.

I once had the fortune to be surrounded by the very relaxed, peaceful, and loving people we long to be and learnt that they are fulfilled in what they do and are very proficient at their given skills.
Let me share with you my important lesson here:- when you have what you want, your inner peace, you will be less distracted by your wants, needs, desires, and minor concerns

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Give it a trial...........

I want you all to be willing to take some risks. I want you to try a few new things in your daily lives. Start experimenting. Fail your way to success and don’t fear, it has worked for me, it will work for you. After all, success is just moving from failure to failure with enthusiasm. Eventually, you’ll create some material worth keeping in your daily life.

Have some fun, laugh a lot, let your appreciation for humor and those who use it grow always, and don’t limit yourself for your happiness.

There is a time that you can find the humor that you lack in life.  Sometimes we are all guilty of being too serious and becoming too worked up over the simplest things. Listening to your inner self can provide you with ways to look at the bright side of a situation and give you the glitters that you need back in our life. In return, it helps your emotional state by bringing such great joy. However, it is important to note that not any situations should be taken for granted…..

a)      Put your own unique spin or voice when writing and you must remember that it comes from your heart and use the notes as a way to get started.

b)     Note that using humor, true experiences, examples of well-known experiences will help you analyze yourself, both pros and cons and how to go about the situations.

c)      Be cautious of not having a tone of seriousness/bitterness but more positive and strengthening tone.

d)     Stand by what you are striving towards and that the most important things to remember is to be honest.

I know you‘ve got a unique style, tap it! Humor must be congruent with who you are so as you try on some of these ideas to see if they fit you, I hope you all get a better feeling for what your style is.

 By Lillianne Ohonde

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Does Living in Reality Count in Your Life?


From your life, you'll never hide.
You struggle to have meaning
in this world which you hold into your soul and deep inside your mind. You wonder
where you can get the answers to all the untold/hidden
questions, but you fail to know that it is by releasing those hidden secrets that your life is clear.
Occasionally you are confronted with a struggle, countless emotions, simultaneously juggle.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you fail, but no matter what, there's always a tale, and you can never explain how that happens by loving the journey of life, with its every stride.

Wherever you go, there’s one thing you should opt to take:-
Smile, smile, smile!!!

Life has many ups and downs, loving smiles and also frowns.

Good events and some are bad,
Interesting emotions, others mad.

It can be a bumpy ride, but how you handle it.....
is your decision.
By Lillianne Ohonde

Thursday 31 May 2012

Be a mentor

I am sure there are many youth that you know in your life who have the potential to do anything they want to with their life, who have talents. Always consider becoming their mentors and always remind them to dream big.  Most of the greatest achievers started out with some of the boldest dreams and their goals ever conceived.  This life we know and love wouldn't be the same if we don’t consider the brilliant ideas of other individuals.

The youth of this world already have the potential to earn their place right alongside the others if they have guidance and counseling from the right people, you being one of them.  Remind our youth that through their dreams, desires and goals within them, they already have the incredible power to take those dreams and do something just as grand as any other great achiever.

The vision of all that they truly want to do might come to them through their conscious thoughts or dreams and as soon as they are aware of the dreams, your support as a mentor will definitely encourage and guide them towards that goal. Lets all involve ourselves into the growth of one another.
"Support our youth, be a role model by acting the right way"

By Lillianne Ohonde

Every experience contributes to your growth!

The other day I was with youths who were sharing their experiences with me:-
I remember one of them, Eric (not the real name) sharing his experience, how all along he tried to be everything to everyone. Well, at some point doing so became impossible and trying it was burning him out, he strained much. When he could not do this and please everyone anymore as he’d been doing, he realized that all he considered close friends left him all alone.
What hurt him most is that he lost his job (whose fruits the friends benefited from). Coming from a poor family, he was so desperate and needed a shoulder to lean on, but there was no one for him. Life is not easy, especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile and it fails along the way.  Don’t take the easy way out.  Do something extraordinary.
I was so impressed when I learnt that Eric learnt a lot from his experience, that making one person smile CAN change the world, maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus. Positive thinking was at the forefront of every success story. Each day he woke up with the thought that something wonderful will happen in his life, he paid close attention to it and often he was right. This was because he changed his perception from focusing on what he didn’t want to happen. So far he’s achieved much being a director in some non-governmental organization.
Every day we all realize that worry will not strip tomorrow of its burden, but will strip today of its joy.
Eric’s experience has changed him much, and can change you too positively…he is a man with know-how, one who knows how to handle ups and down.  Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be…just like Eric. And that no one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

By Lillianne Ohonde

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Get the Right Tools – Build your motivations.

I can tell you that nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams.

Ø  You can’t put everything on autopilot. But I’ve found putting a few core habits in place creates a structure for the day. Waking up at the same time, working at the same times and having a similar productive routine makes it easier to do the next day

Ø  Do things you have a passion for. We all have to do things we don’t want to. But if life has become a chronic source of dull chores, you’ve got a big problem that needs fixing so always work on this.

New ideas get your mental gears turning and can build motivation. Learning new ideas put your brain in motion and this requires less time to speed up to your tasks.

Building motivation is therefore almost as important as avoiding the traps that can stop it.

By Lillianne Ohonde

The Art of Focus

Something interesting to share with all……

I happened to be a victim of great confidence, but using it was the major problem. I never knew that I was making a big mistake by only focusing on what I wanted and neglecting what I already had…which was a writing talent. But sometimes lately I was so much challenged by a friend (one I would refer to as a competitor) who happened to be prospering so well by writing her articles and I asked myself why I kept on making excuses, why I could not succeed or use my talent.

Well, it is so good this happened because at this point I have gotten out of that thinking pattern and is focusing on my gratitude.

I evaluated myself to make a list of my past successes and current advantages. I’ve realized that I am much competent and successful than I even thought.

One thing not to take for granted is improving your mindset…this is most effective and it worked for me. Give it a trial…success will flow all over your side. I believe everyone has a talent which might have not been identified or even assumed. Evaluate yourselves just as I did, u will appreciate yourselves more than you ever thought. Sharing ideas and experiences is the best way to go; you would challenge others just as I was challenged.

If you don’t know what you want, do you really want to know anything? Think about it…be focused.

By Lillianne Ohonde

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Make things happen...make them work!

”Just like the flowers of nature glow,
so do you glow with love and happiness for doing what you like”.

            Life may be challenging that we find ourselves giving up. In essence, this never solves our problems. The world is not perfect at all and we should not expect life to run smoothly every other time. Whatever you are about to do, always ask yourself that if the world was perfect, how would it be like?  With the answer, you will realize that many are the times we compromise on a compromise rather than perfection.
           Before giving up, choose on your actions, not for how they affect today but for where they’ll get you for a year or five years from now. What decisions can you make that will get you next to where you want to be?
           Many youths stay stagnant where they have been or even fall off. The few that never give up strive harder for a better tomorrow however little do they try so note that “the unsuccessful are looking for pleasing experiences, the successful are looking for pleasant results.
”So, where do you fall?

    By Lillianne Ohonde